Thursday, October 2, 2014

Re-Thinking Blog & Relationships

Life is Good-God

Rethinking the Blog

A long-time loved and wise friend asked me some pointed questions about my blog. Like, is this really what I’m about? Here is what she said: “Do you really care that other people you don't know hear your opinion? Are you sure that you can keep positive as well as easily flow through life having to do a blog? I'm all for it if you are. Lots of love and knowing!”
Tree House Rose After Rain

In answer to her question: I’m not sure I do care. It seems to be more about a space in which to express myself. The me that is me, that a very few see. My thoughts, when no one hears or reads them, sink and fade away. 

So why write about the climate change march?
When I first read the accounts of the marches happening in 156 countries I was awed as something within me resonated to the purpose of this activity. To some it may look like a bunch of weirdo liberals going for a walk in the city of NY, but these events will be in our history books. These marches are the beginning of a movement in history, the outward manifestation of a change in consciousness.

A Love Affair with Earth

Logic tells me that our biology, our bodies, are created by and for the planet. We are not made up of the dust of Mars or the gases of Venus, we are made from the elements of Earth.
Face at Base of Tree
Our relationship with Earth is already in effect. How can we as a self-conscious part of nature be careless, neglectful and destructive to other species — species that are also made from and for the earth?We are earth. Just as the earth grows trees and mountains and seas and rivers, it also grows people.

Rethinking Relationships 

 Accepting what friends had to give, grateful yes, but unable or unwilling to return their "gifts." Within a short time the friendship had faded away and the friend was gone.
Cactus and Rocks 
I don't remember how I came up with this definition of relationships, but here it is.

A balanced relationship is one in which both parties contribute their energy into creating a safe and nurturing space so a relationship can exist.

This is rather abstract. To make it personal, relationships (be they friends, lovers, marriages, neighbors) are created when both parties are contributing energy to the relationship.This is a dynamic exchange, not static and not always simultaneous, but on the hole in balance. (Parent-child relationships are not balanced, but hopefully create a nurturing space for the child to grow.) The gift of energy is given with every smile, every gesture, is precious and something to be honored.

Still Life at the Swamp
Energy is synonymous with Love and the bottom line. Science has proven that all things are made up of energy, some of it is moving fast and some more slowly. I don’t label energy as good or bad, to me it is expansive or contracted. We always know the state of our energy.   

Again, thank you for dropping into my blog. Hope you will leave a comment. You may have to put in this email for me: so I'll get it.

Oh yes, the swamp is located on the north-west corner of Market and Lake Blvd. Lots of interesting things can be seen there. 

1 comment:

  1. I wondered where that 'swamp' was. Nice pix all around. Yes, some of us don't seem to want to face the realization that we are no more important than the tiniest microbe, (even though we are made of microbes). Another enjoyable, revealing, thoughtful blog. Keep on blogging.
