Thursday, December 4, 2014

I Am Thankful For You, Dear Reader

I did planed to write a blog about gratitude before Thanksgiving Day,  the one day of the year when we are reminded, on a national level, to give thanks for what and who we love. (I am thankful for the the people who love me - my friends and neighbors - in my life)

I am thankful for the beauty of fall outside my door
Seems like everyday is a good day to give thanks and remember how grateful I am for all I have and love and for those who are in my life and who love me.

Several of my friends are working on gratitude studies and that sounds pretty neat.
I am thankful for the abundance of nature in my life.
Here is a link to the one Jennifer sent me in an email:
(I am thankful for my son and his family in my life)

Some time in the early 90s I was listening to tapes by Mary Manin Morrissey. From the internet it looks like she was very popular in the 70s. Here is a sample of what she taught:

I am thankful for roses.
The one thing I used from the tapes was an exercise on gratitude. (I am thankful for my hearing and vision) She said to sit down every night and write 50 things you were thankful for. That seemed excessive to me, but I followed the instructions exactly. (I am thankful for my safe and comfortable car) At the time I was sad and depressed (there was little work and I was ending a relationship) and thought this would be something I could do to change my energy level. (I am thankful for my abundance of dollars [even if it’s only $2] in my bank account and wallet) Every night I wrote 50 things I was thankful for. It was not easy when I started; mostly I thought of everyday things and what I saw around my apt: my bed, this chair, running water. It is the feeling that matters. God hears our feelings much louder than our words. My energy, feelings changed every time
 I wrote down what I was thankful for. (I am thankful for my sister in my life) In that sense the change was immediate. It took a couple of weeks before my life began to change for the better. (I am thankful for my home) I have a tendency to use these tools when I want relief and in time I may forget again. Maybe  something different …..  I read an article that told of another way to remember to be grateful. A  man sat down and wrote a thank you note every day for a year. He sent these to friends, family, strangers, even businesses, telling them what a good job they were doing, how helpful they were or how much he appreciated them in his life. He said it was a life changing year for him. I can imagine how the recipient felt getting a thank you note. Good feelings all around.
So, why is this paragraph different? I don't have a clue. Worked to change it, but no results.

The Swamp is being cleared of some trees. This opens up the view and probably discourages the homeless and others from congregating there. There are times when the litter is pretty bad. I figure I can curse the litter or take pictures of the beauty. There is deep shade in the summer and it is usually very quiet there. 

(I am thankful the for this beautiful spot only half a mile from where I live)

(I am thankful the format is only a bit screwed up)